
Reading fly minds in a mini-IMAX theater

The setup, involving a custom fly-releasing “PEZ dispenser,” makes it possible to map out — neuron by neuron — how individual insects respond to an imaginary predator.

By Angie Voyles Askham, Rebecca Horne
13 November 2023 | 1 min read

Subtyping autism using fMRI: A quick take at SfN with Marco Pagani

Pagani used mouse models to connect autism etiologies to brain connectivity alterations and then found similar alterations in people with idiopathic forms of the condition.

By Spectrum
18 November 2022 | 1 min read

Screening zebrafish autism models: A quick take at SfN with Ellen Hoffman

Zebrafish with mutations in 10 different autism-linked genes show a range of unique and shared phenotypes.

By Spectrum
16 November 2022 | 2 min read

Tying PPFIA3 to autism: A quick take at SfN with Tuan Chao and Maimuna Paul

Work in fruit flies has helped Paul decode a neurodevelopmental syndrome in children caused by rare de novo variants in the gene PPFIA3.

By Spectrum
15 November 2022 | 3 min read

Decoding sensory brain networks: A quick take at SfN with Ethan Scott

Scott describes his work on sound processing differences in the brains of zebrafish that model fragile X syndrome.

By Spectrum
15 November 2022 | 2 min read

Novel protocol captures autism voices across the spectrum

Interview techniques that cater to a range of communication abilities can elicit the perspectives of autistic youth with cognitive and verbal challenges.

By Rebecca Horne
17 August 2022 | 4 min read