Danielle Baribeau is a resident physician in psychiatry at the University of Toronto.
Danielle Baribeau
Resident physician in psychiatry
University of Toronto
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Social perception problems cut across disorders
The ability to recognize emotions varies along a continuum that spans autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Social perception problems cut across disorders
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‘A gut punch:’ How U.S. neuroscience trainees are grappling with diversity-based funding flux
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‘A gut punch:’ How U.S. neuroscience trainees are grappling with diversity-based funding flux
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‘Bioethics and Brains: A Disciplined and Principled Neuroethics,’ an excerpt
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AI tool estimates social ability by analyzing speech
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AI tool estimates social ability by analyzing speech
The system’s code and training data—drawn from one of the largest databases of speech recordings from autistic people—are openly available.