Spotted around the web: Global autism prevalence, childhood sensory responses, support for Ukraine

Here is a roundup of news and research for the week of 14 March.

Research roundup

  • The median prevalence for autism worldwide is 1 in 100, with a male-to-female ratio of 4.2-to-1, according to a review of studies. Autism Research
  • Tracking sensory responsiveness from infancy into childhood appears to be predictive of autism and distinguishes it from other developmental conditions. Child Development
  • Research on loneliness in autistic adults is limited, and results differ depending on whether studies were quantitative or qualitative, with the latter being more likely to include autistic voices and perspectives. Autism
  • One in four young people with autism has experienced suicidal ideation, according to a review of studies. Clinical Psychology Review
  • Nearly one in four autistic adults has had some contact with the criminal justice system, according to a review of records from a London-based specialty clinic. Autism
  • Autistic people often do not get appropriate support or accommodations during police questioning or in court trials, according to an online survey of lawyers. Autism Research
  • A new, freely available dataset illuminates synaptic variability and plasticity in local neuronal circuits in thin slices of brain tissue from humans and mice. Science
  • Two people with copy number variants at chromosomal region Xp11.4p11.3, which spans three genes linked to neurodevelopmental conditions, have an intellectual disability syndrome. American Journal of Medical Genetics
  • Studying non-human primates can help researchers understand the link between maternal infection and neurodevelopmental conditions, according to a review. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging

Science and society

  • Because of budget cuts, Florida’s Agency for Persons with Disabilities has reduced support for autistic people, including a young woman named Remington Lewis, who had been receiving around-the-clock care but now is deemed OK to be at home alone. WFLA
  • Many girls with autism may go undiagnosed because they mask their traits, particularly social-communication difficulties. Spectrum has covered this issue in depth, most recently in 2018. Discover
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has published guidance for producers of human gene therapies that edit human cells. U.S. Food and Drug Administration

    Ukraine flag
    Life disrupted: Journals and research organizations express their support of Ukrainians as they confront the devastation of war.

    Mykola Churpita / iStock
  • The editors of Nature express their support of Ukrainian researchers as they condemn the Russian invasion. Nature
  • The International Society for Autism Research has released a statement of support for Ukraine, noting that the organization stands with all people who need to escape oppression. International Society for Autism Research