Asperger syndrome

Recent articles

DSM-5 revision tweaks autism entry for clarity

Two new words and a text swap in the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic “bible” are unlikely to affect clinical practice, experts say.

By Peter Hess
17 March 2022 | 4 min read
illustration shows isolated figure alone in the prison yard, watching other inmates exercise and socialize.
Spectrum Microphone

Autism behind bars

Prisons are often ill-equipped to handle autistic inmates, who are at risk for mental health problems and abuse.

By Peter Hess
11 November 2020 | 17 min listen

How the loss of Asperger syndrome has lasting repercussions

Some people who have lost the diagnosis of Asperger syndrome say they feel a loss of identity and worry about a loss of services.

By Sandra Jones
19 May 2020 | 6 min read
Illustration of profiles with brains of different colors.

In case you missed it: Five Spectrum stories from 2018

Spectrum's editors chose five stories from 2018 you may have missed the first time around.

By Spectrum
21 December 2018 | 3 min read
Woman looking into mirror sees words and fragmented reflection.
Spectrum Microphone

Why adults need an easier path to autism diagnosis

Getting an autism diagnosis can be difficult for many adults, due to the dearth of reliable tests, high costs and bureaucracy.

By Sara Luterman
18 December 2018 | 6 min read
A collage shows a black and white portrait of Russian doGrunya Efimovna Sukhareva on a colored background.

How history forgot the woman who defined autism

Grunya Sukhareva characterized autism nearly two decades before Austrian doctors Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger. So why did the latter get all the credit?

By Lina Zeldovich
7 November 2018 | 13 min read

Organoid assortment; transgenerational effect; baby translator and more

Researchers can enjoy a complete collection of organoid-related publications, transgenerational effects on the brain are tied to a powerful estrogen, and an app that translates infant cries might aid autism research.

By Emily Willingham
25 May 2018 | 5 min read
Spectrum Microphone

Narrowing of ‘autism’ in DSM-5 runs counter to idea of broad spectrum

The strict definition of autism in the latest version of the diagnostic manual is antithetical to the idea that autism comes in a wide variety of forms.

By Brian Reichow, Fred Volkmar
9 May 2018 | 5 min read
People standing with shapes around them

The evolution of ‘autism’ as a diagnosis, explained

From a form of childhood schizophrenia to a spectrum of conditions, the characterization of autism in diagnostic manuals has a complicated history.

By Lina Zeldovich
9 May 2018 | 7 min read
Spectrum Microphone

Few people mourn Asperger syndrome’s loss from diagnostic manuals

Our concept of autism has evolved over the past 20 years, rendering redundant the diagnostic labels of Asperger syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified.

By David Skuse
9 May 2018 | 4 min read

Explore more from The Transmitter

Illustration of cranes attempting to assemble a structure out of very small black squares.

Reconstructing dopamine’s link to reward

The field is grappling with whether to modify the long-standing theory of reward prediction error—or abandon it entirely.

By Angie Voyles Askham
13 September 2024 | 18 min read
Illustration of cranes attempting to assemble a structure out of very small black squares.

Dopamine and the need for alternative theories

Some experimental findings are inconsistent with the dominant model of reward prediction error, highlighting the need for alternative testable and falsifiable models for dopamine function.

By Vijay Mohan K. Namboodiri
13 September 2024 | 7 min read
Illustration of several structures constructed out of small black squares, with scaffolding on some of the structures.

Does a new theory of dopamine replace the classic model?

My answer would be no, but the model poses challenges that will sharpen our understanding of dopamine and learning.

By Naoshige Uchida
13 September 2024 | 8 min read