Broad Autism Phenotype

Recent articles

Senior man lying down in scanning machine.

Studies hint at effects of aging on autistic brains

People with autism or autism traits may be especially vulnerable to brain aging and cognitive decline, two studies suggest.

By Sarah DeWeerdt
12 January 2021 | 4 min read
Spectrum Microphone

People with autism may smell songs or hear colors

One in five autistic people may have synesthesia, a crossing of the senses. Studying synesthesia in autism may deepen our understanding of both conditions.

By Tessa van Leeuwen, Rob van Lier
16 June 2020 | 6 min read
stork flying with an alarm clock, dice and a crescent moon

The link between parental age and autism, explained

Older men and women are more likely than young ones to have a child with autism, but this connection is not straightforward.

By Sarah DeWeerdt
28 January 2020 | 6 min read
3D image of a child's face with coordinates to measure distances between features.

Siblings of autistic children may have distinct facial features

Siblings of autistic children, like those with the condition, tend to have faces that are more masculine than average.

By Nicholette Zeliadt
27 January 2020 | 4 min read

Book review: ‘The Rosie Result’ crafts foolish caricatures of autism

In the final installment of Graeme Simsion’s bestselling Rosie trilogy, the protagonist's implied autism becomes explicit — and leaves our reviewer cold.

By Sara Luterman
18 June 2019 | 5 min read
Man and woman portraits on a 'family tree'

What the ‘broad spectrum’ can teach us about autism

The relatives of autistic people often have mild traits of the condition. Studying these family members could broaden our understanding of autism.

By Lydia Denworth
15 May 2019 | 14 min read
Two female children playing with blocks, one is crying, the other is facing away.

Siblings of children with autism have social, emotional problems

Even undiagnosed siblings of children with autism tend to struggle with anxiety, depression and social difficulties.

By Jessica Wright
11 October 2018 | 4 min read

Heart rate may foretell autism features in infants

Babies with a family history of autism have heart rates that are unusually low and that respond aberrantly to speech sounds.

By Nicholette Zeliadt
28 June 2017 | 5 min read

Fathering geeks; GWAS weaknesses; Prozac protection and more

Paternal age drives ‘geek index’ scores, GWAS may have a big weakness, serotonin boosts mouse social behaviors, and what is science Tinder?

By Emily Willingham
23 June 2017 | 8 min read

Parents’ traits predict autism features in children

Children whose parents have a condition such as autism tend to have severe restricted interests and repetitive behaviors, even if they don’t have a diagnosis themselves.

By Rachel Zamzow
1 March 2017 | 4 min read

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Brain Inspired Microphone

Kim Stachenfeld on the dance between neuroscience and artificial intelligence

As a researcher at both Google DeepMind and Columbia University, Stachenfeld offers cross-disciplinary insight into how to understand the brain.

By Paul Middlebrooks
11 September 2024 | 92 min listen
World map displaying an analysis of years of life lost to suicide among autistic people in 2021.

PPP2R5D gene; social-communication intervention in infants; autism and suicide

Here is a roundup of autism-related news and research spotted around the web for the week of 9 September.

By Jill Adams
10 September 2024 | 2 min read
Illustration with panels depicting two people working together at a computer and a high-five, and a lone researcher in the foreground, looking up.

Should I work with these people? A guide to collaboration

Kevin Bender offers advice for early-career neuroscientists on how to choose the right collaborations and avoid the bad ones.

By Kevin Bender
10 September 2024 | 7 min read