Audio research news

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Photograph of a pink pencil standing out from a row of blue pencils.
Publishing Microphone

Women are systematically under-cited in neuroscience. New tools can change that.

An omitted citation in a high-profile paper led us to examine our own practices and to help others adopt tools that promote citation diversity.

By Anne Churchland, Felicia Davatolhagh
22 July 2024 | 5 min listen
Image of a crumpled dollar bill on a light pink background. The bill's edges suggest a line graph trending downward.
Funding Microphone

Future of BRAIN Initiative funding remains unclear

As the U.S. Congress begins to discuss federal science funding for 2025, any plans to compensate for this year’s cuts to the neuroscience program face an uphill battle.

By Angie Voyles Askham
3 July 2024 | 4 min listen
A photograph of Paul-Antoine Libourel.
Sleep Microphone

At the end of the earth with Paul-Antoine Libourel

The French researcher’s accomplishments working with chinstrap penguins in the Antarctic highlight the importance of recording sleep in the wild.

By Yves Sciama
11 June 2024 | 18 min listen
Illustration of a series of squares containing distinct patterns.

Can an emerging field called ‘neural systems understanding’ explain the brain?

This mashup of neuroscience, artificial intelligence and even linguistics and philosophy of mind aims to crack the deep question of what "understanding" is, however un-brain-like its models may be.

By George Musser
5 June 2024 | 21 min listen
Image of amyloid beta plaques.

Reviving ‘inside-out’ hypothesis of amyloid beta to explain Alzheimer’s mysteries

New research is resurfacing old ideas about where the protein forms the disease’s hallmark plaques.

By Elissa Welle
29 May 2024 | 8 min listen
Illustration of a nametag with many names on it.
Publishing Microphone

At the credit crossroads: Modern neuroscience needs a cultural shift to adopt new authorship practices

Old heuristics to acknowledge contributors—calling out first and last authors, with everyone else in between—don’t work well for large collaborative and interdisciplinary projects, yet they remain the default.

By Megan Peters
20 May 2024 | 9 min listen
A hand holds multi-colored cubes.
Future of fMRI Microphone

Should we use the computational or the network approach to analyze functional brain-imaging data—why not both?

Emerging methods make it possible to combine the two tactics from opposite ends of the analytic spectrum, enabling scientists to have their cake and eat it too.

By Mac Shine
13 May 2024 | 7 min listen
Photograph of objects delicately balanced to keep a plank of wood level as it sits on a cylindrical block.

How to explore your scientific values and develop a vision for your field

As a new professor, I was caught off guard by one part of the job: my role as an evaluator.

By Grace Lindsay
3 May 2024 | 5 min listen
Photograph of Carol Jennings.

Carol Jennings, whose family’s genetics informed amyloid cascade hypothesis, dies at 70

Her advocacy work aided the discovery of a rare inherited form of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease and helped connect affected people with researchers.

By Elissa Welle
30 April 2024 | 3 min listen
Community Microphone

How to use race and ethnicity data responsibly in neuroscience research

Follow these four tips to avoid using the information in problematic ways, including as a proxy for environmental variables.

By Gina Jiménez
24 April 2024 | 7 min listen

Explore more from The Transmitter

Research image of neurons in the fly’s ventral nerve cord.

New connectomes fly beyond the brain

Researchers are mapping the neurons in Drosophila’s ventral nerve cord, where the central nervous system meets the rest of the body.

By Laura Dattaro
26 July 2024 | 7 min read
Illustration of researchers talking to laypeople amidst strands of DNA.

Building an autism research registry: Q&A with Tony Charman

A purpose-built database of participants who have shared genomic and behavioral data could give clinical trials a boost, Charman says.

By Cathleen O’Grady
25 July 2024 | 8 min read

Cerebellar circuit may convert expected pain relief into real thing

The newly identified circuit taps into the brain’s opioid system to provide a top-down form of pain relief.

By Angie Voyles Askham
24 July 2024 | 6 min read