Black-and-white headshots of Nancy Kanwisher, Winrich Freiwald and Doris Tsao.

2024 Kavli Prize awarded for research on face-selective brain areas

Studies by Nancy Kanwisher, Winrich Freiwald and Doris Tsao revealed how the brains of humans and other primates identify faces and helped establish an understanding of brain specialization.

By Olivia Gieger
12 June 2024 | 4 min read
Research image of brain activity

Connectivity takes U-turn in people with rare autism-linked mutations

Patterns of brain connectivity shift during puberty in people with deletion of the 22q11.2 chromosomal region.

By Holly Barker
30 May 2024 | 4 min read
A hand holds multi-colored cubes.
Future of fMRI Microphone

Should we use the computational or the network approach to analyze functional brain-imaging data—why not both?

Emerging methods make it possible to combine the two tactics from opposite ends of the analytic spectrum, enabling scientists to have their cake and eat it too.

By Mac Shine
13 May 2024 | 7 min listen
Illustrated portrait of Emily Finn.
Synaptic Microphone

Brain connectivity and letting the data speak with Emily Finn

The Dartmouth College researcher talks about her quest to understand behavior and doing neuroscience “in the woods.”

By Brady Huggett
1 May 2024 | 69 min listen
Illustration of a hand reaching out to adjust a dial that sits in the middle of several images depicting brain activity and various behaviors.

To improve big data, we need small-scale human imaging studies

By insisting that every brain-behavior association study include hundreds or even thousands of participants, we risk stifling innovation. Smaller studies are essential to test new scanning paradigms.

By Emily S. Finn
15 April 2024 | 7 min read
Research image visualizing fMRI test results.

Two studies fail to replicate ‘holy grail’ DIANA fMRI method for detecting neural activity

The signal it flags is more likely the result of cherry-picking data, according to the researchers who conducted one of the new studies, but the lead investigator on the original work disputes that conclusion.

By Calli McMurray
27 March 2024 | 11 min read
Illustration of a brain made up of many smaller brains.
fMRI Microphone

Breaking down the winner’s curse: Lessons from brain-wide association studies

We found an issue with a specific type of brain imaging study and tried to share it with the field. Then the backlash began.

By Nico Dosenbach, Scott Marek
25 March 2024 | 7 min listen
An illustration of a brain

How can we fold cellular-level details into whole-brain neuroimaging networks?

I got answers from Bratislav Misic, who is inventing practical ways to connect the brain’s microscopic features with its macroscopic organization.

By Mac Shine
21 February 2024 | 8 min read
An illustration of a mouse sitting in an armchair next to a framed picture of mouse brains

To make fMRI more clinically useful, we need to really get BOLD

A better understanding of the blood oxygen level dependent, or BOLD, signal requires more support for multimodal imaging studies.

By Evelyn Lake
22 January 2024 | 6 min read
Illustration of hands organizing objects of various shapes and sizes.

Simply making data publicly available isn’t enough. We need to make it easy — that requires community buy-in.

I helped create a standard to make it easy to upload, analyze and compare functional MRI data. An ecosystem of tools has since grown up around it, boosting reproducibility and speeding up research.

By Russell Poldrack
17 January 2024 | 7 min read

Explore more from The Transmitter

Research image of neurons in the fly’s ventral nerve cord.

New connectomes fly beyond the brain

Researchers are mapping the neurons in Drosophila’s ventral nerve cord, where the central nervous system meets the rest of the body.

By Laura Dattaro
26 July 2024 | 7 min read
Illustration of researchers talking to laypeople amidst strands of DNA.

Building an autism research registry: Q&A with Tony Charman

A purpose-built database of participants who have shared genomic and behavioral data could give clinical trials a boost, Charman says.

By Cathleen O’Grady
25 July 2024 | 8 min read

Cerebellar circuit may convert expected pain relief into real thing

The newly identified circuit taps into the brain’s opioid system to provide a top-down form of pain relief.

By Angie Voyles Askham
24 July 2024 | 6 min read