Researcher connections: Understanding a decade of collaborations in autism research

Spectrum reviewed more than 35,000 journal articles and nearly 6,700 grants to home in on a highly interconnected network of 150 scientists who are advancing autism research through collaboration.

By Jaclyn Jeffrey-Wilensky
12 June 2020 | 1 min read

It takes all kinds of scientists to study a condition as complex as autism. In the past decade, interdisciplinary collaborations have powered some of the biggest breakthroughs in the field.

“When a team of collaborators brings together their unique insights, skills and resources, we can accelerate the pace of discovery,” says Rebecca Landa, executive director of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. “The interplay of the insights, knowledge and experience of a diverse team of researchers enables us to challenge paradigms and put forth novel ideas that drive the field forward.”

Using a dataset of more than 35,000 journal articles and nearly 6,700 grants, Spectrum built a co-authorship network to explore some of these key partnerships. Click here for a guided tour.